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我本來打算離你遠去 從此不再提起你
At first, I planned on leaving you,
and not thinking of you again.

看著你一臉茫然 眼眶是淚滴
Upon your forlorn and teary face,
I lacked the will power.

心中的無奈 像一根線
The helplessness in my heart is like a thread
That binds you and me

我實在實在 沒有勇氣
And causes me to lose the strength
To move forward without your affection.

這一刻雖然默默無語 但是我心在哭泣
At this moment while I am quiet,
my heart is actually weeping.

求求你不要問我 為什麼淒淒
I beg you not to ask me why I am so sad.
I cannot answer you.

也許有一天 我離開你
Perhaps one of these days, I am leaving you,
Please believe that it is because I really have no other choice.

我心中心中 有個秘密
In the depth of my heart, there is a secret,
I have not been able to reveal to you.

我青梅竹馬童年伴侶 如今又與我相聚
The one I have known since childhood,
is now together with me.

我們倆從前有過 愛情的默契
In the past we have had love's mutual promises,
That we are to stay with each other for life.

這一份無奈 隱藏心底
This helplessness matter is buried in the bottom of my heart,
To somehow choose between the two of you.

你教我教我 怎麼處理
Please show me how to deal with
This difficult triangular problem.

你教我教我 怎麼處理