延禧攻略 - 吳謹言、佘詩曼、秦嵐、聶遠主演 2018


哀傷五個階段 The Five Stages of Grief - Kubler-Ross Model, Swiss

  1. 否認 Denial: 我是不相信!老天爺在跟我開玩笑吧?這不是真的,一定是搞錯了吧?

    Denial is the stage that can initially help you survive the loss. You might think life makes no sense, has no meaning, and is too overwhelming. You start to deny the news and, in effect, go numb.

  2. 憤怒 Anger: 這太不公平了,世界上根本沒有公平正義。

    Once you start to live in ‘actual’ reality again and not in ‘preferable’ reality, anger might start to set in. This is a common stage to think “why me?” and “life’s not fair!”

  3. 討價還價 Bargaining: 早知如此,何必當初。

    When something bad happens, have you ever caught yourself making a deal with God? “Please God, if you heal my husband, I will strive to be the best wife I can ever be – and never complain again.”

  4. 沮喪 Depression: 我活著有什麼意思?我好累、我沒辦法、提不起勁、人生已經失去意義。

    Depression is a commonly accepted form of grief. In fact, most people associate depression immediately with grief – as it is a “present” emotion.

  5. 接受 Acceptance: 把握我們還有的時間,去完成未竟的夢想。

    Not in the sense that “it’s okay my husband died” rather, “my husband died, but I’m going to be okay.” In this stage, your emotions may begin to stabilize. You re-enter reality.

The Five Stages of Grief - Kubler-Ross Model, Swiss