第一誡 欽崇一天主在萬有之上
I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. -
第二誡 毋呼天主聖名以發虛誓
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. -
第三誡 守瞻禮主日
Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. -
第四誡 孝敬父母
Honor your father and your mother. -
第五誡 毋殺人
You shall not kill. -
第六誡 毋行邪淫
You shall not commit adultery. -
第七誡 毋偷盜
You shall not steal -
第八誡 毋妄證
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor -
第九誡 毋願他人妻
You shall not desire your neighbor's wife. -
第十誡 毋貪他人財物
You shall not desire your neighbor's goods.