- Never both be angry at once.
- Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire..
- Yield to the wishes of the other as an exercise in self-discipline, if you can’t think of a better reason..
- If you have a choice between making yourself or your mate look good - choose your mate.
- If you feel you must criticize, do so lovingly.
- Never bring up a mistake of the past.
- Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
- Never let the day end without saying at least one complimentary thing to your life’s partner.
- Never meet without an affectionate welcome.
- Never go to bed mad.
- When you’ve made a mistake, talk it out and ask for forgiveness.
- Remember, it takes two to make an argument. The one who is wrong is the one who will be doing most of the talking.
Whenever I meet a couple that has been married for more than 50 years I always ask them how they’ve done it. One man said, “We agreed whoever wants the divorce has to take everything in the garage.”
A 94-year-old woman whose husband was 96 at the time whispered to me, “We always sleep naked and I keep my hand on Ted’s butt!” It’s gross, but kind of beautiful too.
“There are only three words you need to stay married,” a crusty old man told me. “Yes, my empress.” Women seem to like that one a lot.