
奶奶永遠陪伴在我身邊 我發現我的眼睛可以裝下所有東西,唯獨裝不下眼淚,奶奶家裡多了一些人,多了奶奶的畫像,可是奶奶家少了奶奶。 後來,除了夢以外的地方,我再也沒見到你了。 奶奶的遺物不多,我也算一件,這世界是你的遺囑,而我是你的遺物,我是奶奶活在這世上的新證明。

I found that my eyes can hold everything except tears. There are more people and pictures of grandma in grandma's house, but grandma is missing. Later, I never saw you again except in dreams. Grandma's legacy is not much, and I am one of them. This world is your legacy, and I am your legacy. I am the new proof that grandma is alive in this world.

我發現我的眼睛可以裝下所有東西,唯獨裝不下眼淚」這句尤其動人,生動地描繪了作者內心的悲傷無法用眼睛容納的感受。 「奶奶家裡多了一些人,多了奶奶的畫像,可是奶奶家少了奶奶」則透過對比,突出了奶奶不在的事實。 「後來,除了夢以外的地方,我再也沒見到你了」進一步強調了對奶奶的思念。 最後兩句「這世界是你的遺囑,而我是你的遺物,我是奶奶活在這世上的新證明」則富有哲理,表達了作者與奶奶之間特殊的聯繫和對奶奶的深深懷念之情。

I found that my eyes can hold everything except tears. This sentence is particularly touching, vividly depicting the author's inner sadness that cannot be contained by the eyes. "There are more people and more portraits of grandma in grandma's house, but grandma is missing from grandma's house" highlights the fact that grandma is gone through contrast. "Later, I never saw you again except in dreams" further emphasizes the longing for grandma. The last two sentences "This world is your will, and I am your legacy. I am the new proof that grandma is alive in this world" are philosophical, expressing the special connection between the author and grandma and the deep nostalgia for her.

這篇文章我看到它不可思議的文字立體化應用,讓人感覺淚如泉湧, 尤其這世上愛我的人你排第一,簡單幾字悲傷思念生動無比。 在這篇文章當中,我們可以感受到文字的力量,無聲卻震耳欲聾!

I saw the incredible three-dimensional application of words in this article, which made me feel like tears welling up. Especially, you are the first person who loves me in this world. The sadness and longing are vividly expressed in just a few simple words. In this article, we can feel the power of words, which is silent but deafening!
