戰爭中的川普 Trump @ War - a movie documentary by Steve Bannon


《大紀元》報導,「戰爭中的川普」(英文:Trump @ War)由班農執導、福勒艾特(Dan Fleuette)製作,開篇就是川普及其支持者受到肢體以及語言暴力的場景,隨後介紹了川普在一年多總統任期內、如何成功兌現他在大選時的諸多承諾——美國優先、重振經濟、減稅、改善貿易協定以及經由移民改革重建美國主權,並用鏡頭真實記錄川普如何點燃支持者的熱情以及最終贏得總統大選。

Trump @ War, a movie documentary by Steve Bannon, is an amazing and detailed accounting of the revolution between liberal and conservative ideologies that took place in the months leading up to the 2016 elections. Most people who followed mainstream liberal media outlets never saw the depth of the actual force and violence exacted against Trump supporters during demonstrations and rallies. This film is a display of the no-holds-barred attacks against his supporters, and a truthful exposition of the efforts to diminish Trump’s message and stop him from winning the election in November of 2016.

Bannon, former White House chief strategist, released this movie to chronicle Trump’s road to the White House. More importantly, Bannon says the movie shows why it’s critical for every American who voted for him in 2016 to support him in the midterms.