江南愛情故事 - 沈秋雨、沈濤

故事發生在1937年的江南古鎮,年輕女子雨蓮在嫁進殷家當天,素未謀面的丈夫明軒逃婚加入了抗日的隊伍, 顧及到家族臉面,殷家決定讓弟弟明皓代替哥哥拜堂成親,危機暫時得以化解,卻在一對不可能在一起的人心中, 埋下了愛情的種子。

隨著時間的推移,戰火燒到了南方。在傳統與道德的夾擊下,雨蓮和明皓的愛情,也像這片土地一樣遭到了無情的摧殘。 明軒陣亡的消息傳回了古鎮,悲痛中兩個人的心又走近了一步。

但純真的愛情和家族的命運,在戰爭面前顯得弱不禁風。炮火無情的籠罩了小鎮, 結婚前夜,明浩義無反顧的加入敢死隊與侵略者決一死戰。 在戰火連天的環境下,柔弱雨蓮堅守在美麗的古鎮上,也堅守著自己的愛情。

The Destiny 2014 is a Chinese film set in 1937 in a southern town, which explores the complications of traditional Chinese marriage during this time and the impact of the war with Japan. Even though it is a low budget film, with at times some pretty poor special effects, it is nonetheless a beautiful story and is a great insight into Chinese culture and history. The Destiny 2014 is very vibrant and colourful, at times the mise-en-scene is very glamorous and shows that you don’t need a high budget to make a film look good.

The film starts off by letting the audience know straight away they are going to be watching a film about traditional culture. Fire crackers bang as a wedding ceremony is taking place. Red colours bathe in the screen and we are introduced to the bride to be, Yulian. However, it is a strange scenario as the wedding is taking place even though the groom is absent. His bother is performing the ceremony in his place, much to the dissatisfaction of the bride. It is an arranged marriage, which frequently happened in towns during this time, Yulian is made to marry someone who isn’t even there. We then see customs, which may have happened all over China or just in the particular town it is set in, where a woman tells the bride not to let her feet touch the ground or else she won’t get pregnant. The elder woman, acting as the elder generation, is barking down orders of tradition, as Yulian must be carried. It is very interesting to see these traditional aspects of the marriage that has been decided by the heads of the families.

The ending of The Destiny 2014 is very poignant but it is realistic and moves away from the happy endings that are so often associated with romantic films. It might be low budget, as expressed before, but it seems to thrive because of this and is a very raw emotional film. The acting by Yulian is superb and really makes you feel for her. This is a great film to watch if you want to explore Chinese tradition and culture, witness decorative costumes and exquisite natural scenery.