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詞: 瓊瑤 曲:

綠草蒼蒼 白霧茫茫
Deep green grass, gray white fog,
有位佳人 在水一方
A beautiful lady is on the waterside.
綠草萋萋 白霧迷離
Green grass thinning out, white fog getting blurry,
有位佳人 靠水而居
A beautiful lady lives by the water.
我願逆流而上 找尋她的方向
I am willing to go against the current, to pursue her direction.
無奈前有險灘 道路又遠又長
Pity that there are rapid beaches, and paths far and long.
我願順流而下 與她輕言細語
I am willing to go downstream, and speak to her softly,
卻見彷彿依稀 她在水中佇立
As if vaguely seeing her stand and wait in the middle of the water.
綠草蒼蒼 白霧茫茫
Deep green grass, gray white fog,
有位佳人 在水一方
A beautiful lady is on the waterside.

2011年10月4日雲南衛視 愛上經典 尋找張玉霞