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這樣的歌兒,通俗易懂,易唱易記,幹起活來也在無形中輕鬆了許多。更有意義的是,一邊哼,一邊也會順便想想: 人活著真有趣,世上的人兒那麼多,為什麼偏偏遇見你、遇見他(她),無論是情侶、是朋友甚至是敵人, 哪些值得珍惜、哪些必須忘記和拋棄,這首歌還與我們的人生有密切關係呢。

那時的小小鄧真可愛,調皮、俏皮、活潑、可愛,尤其是其中的“要是不肯對我說,請你以後別來找我!”,一個“別”字,特別用了點力,加重了語氣,讓你知道“不按我說的辦,哼,等著瞧吧!” 那種女孩子特有的嬌嗲嬌憨、自豪果斷和膽量表達得活靈活現,彷彿呼之欲出!

There are so many people on Earth.
為甚麼偏偏愛上我 為甚麼愛上我
Why do you have to fall in love with me? Why do you fall in love with me?
Please tell me!
白天夜晚時刻追求我 為甚麼
Day and night you are courting me non-stop! Why?
Why do you have to court me?
要是不肯對我說 要是不肯對我說 從今以後別來找我 嘿
If you don't want to tell me, if you don't want to tell me, from now on do not ever look for me again, hey!

There are so many stars in the sky.
為甚麼月亮只一個 為甚麼愛上我
Why is there only one Moon? Why do you fall in love with me?
Please tell me!
有的時候你悄悄盯著我 為甚麼
Sometimes you silently stare at me! Why?
Why are you sliently staring at me?
要是不肯對我說 要是不肯對我說 從今以後別來找我 嘿
If you don't want to tell me, if you don't want to tell me, from now on do not ever look for me again, hey!

沒有我你快不快樂 沒有我你會太寂寞
Without me are you not happy? Without me you will be too lonesome!
為甚麼愛上我 請你呀告訴我
Why do you fall in love with me? Please tell me!
你說你願一生都伴著我 為甚麼 為甚麼你願意伴著我
You say you are willing to be with me for life. Why? Why are you willing to be with me?
要是不肯對我說 要是不肯對我說 從今以後別來找我
If you don't want to tell me, if you don't want to tell me, from now on do not ever look for me again!