河南省中醫院腦血管專科王育勤副教授這樣解釋,粉絲類製品在加工製作過程中,需要在粉漿中加入0.5%左右的明礬,目的是為了使粉絲成形,增加韌性。加入的明礬與粉漿凝聚,隨著粉絲的成形和乾燥,明礬的含量會有增無減。 明礬中含有氫氧化鋁,因此,大量食用粉絲,等於同時大量攝入了鋁。 這尤其對老年人來說是一個非常危險的因素, 因為老年人大部分有腦動脈硬化,在此基礎上會造成慢性腦供血不足,進一步形成輕度認知功能障礙,嚴重的會導致老年癡呆症,從而導致出現記憶力減退、計算力差、反應遲鈍等症狀,而鋁是造成老年癡呆的一項重要危險因素。 過多地食用鋁會在腦動脈硬化等其他病變的基礎上進一步造成腦細胞的變性、死亡,更加重腦萎縮的症狀,從而出現老年癡呆症。
這是食品添加物對身體不良影響的冰山一角,有人說食品添加物就是藏在美味中的毒藥,一點也不為過, 不過一個前題就是「大量」食用粉絲,而非禁止食用粉絲。 並不是說不能吃粉絲,而是不要長期攝取, 比如說所使用的鋁鍋、治療胃酸過多而服用制酸劑中的胃乳,其中就含鋁,是不是這些都不能用? 應該說除非您每天都在吃粉絲,或長期使用鋁鍋及長時間服用含鋁的藥品,否則是不用太過緊張的。 不過鋁是造成老年癡呆的一項重要危險因素,這一點是確定的,若長期攝入含鋁製品仍要小心。
The Aluminum / Alzheimer's Connection
In studying the brains of Alzheimer's patients who had died, researchers found one common denominator: all had high concentrations of aluminum! Neurons of the brain cells had four to six times the levels of aluminum found in normal brain cells. Changes in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex made these cells look like tangles of filaments; such degenerated nerve cells could not possibly transmit nerve signals properly. Some researchers believe aluminum accumulations in the body may lead to many of the health complications and debilities of old age, not only Alzheimer's disease.
A great deal of aluminum pollution can be avoided by making wise decisions about products we tend to use as a part of our normal daily living. When we wrap our food in aluminum foil, it actually sticks to acid foods such as spaghetti sauce. Aluminum is found in cookware, baking powder, buffered aspirin, antacids, aluminum cans, and even underarm anti-perspirants. When we apply anti-perspirants to our underarms, we are rubbing aluminum right into our lymph glands. Your nutrition store carries deodorants that do not contain aluminum. They stop odor although they do not stop all perspiration.
There is no "proof" that aluminum contributes to the cause of Alzheimer's, but it has been hotly debated in the scientific field. Aluminum leads to a decreased synthesis of other neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine) as well.
Neuroscientists have tried to reassure us that this accumulation is the result of the disease rather than a cause. Still, when aluminum has been injected into the brains of animals, it produces tangled brain cells that are similar to the changes seen in human brain cells.
Some common sources of aluminum include:
- Aluminum cookware
- Antacids
may contain aluminum hydroxide - Antidiarrheal Preparations
many contain aluminum salts - Buffered Aspirin
the buffered type may contain aluminum hydroxide or aluminum glycinate - Containers
such as soda and beer cans, aluminum-coated waxed juice boxes - Deodorants
these may contain aluminum chlorhydrate - Douches
many preparations contain aluminum salts - Food Additives
- Shampoos
many anti-dandruff types contain magnesium aluminum silicate; others contain aluminum lauryl sulfate
Dr. William Thies, vice president of medical and scientific affairs for the Chicago-based Alzheimer's Association said: Current research shows that clearing the cupboards of aluminum products won't protect you from Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have been looking for a connection between aluminum (the third most common element on Earth after oxygen and silicon) and Alzheimer's disease for four decades with no conclusive results. For every study that finds a link, another study refutes it or fails to confirm it.