婦女更年期 Menopause



When the ovaries no longer produce adequate amounts of estrogen and progesterone (as in menopause), the loss of these hormones can bring about various symptoms including hot flashes (a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads over the body) and sweating (which is related to hot flashes).

If you have sex often, you'll trigger the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical in your brain that fuels desire. In menopause, the idea is to keep it up. As long as you're not in pain or uncomfortable because of vaginal dryness and you have a partner you trust, go for it.

If you are not a candidate for HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), if your symptoms are not severe , or if you simply decide not to use HRT, the following tips might keep you cooler at night and help you sleep better without the use of hormones.

  • Wear loose clothing to bed. Clothing made of natural fibers, like cotton, is usually best.
  • Keep your bedroom cool and well-ventilated.
  • Avoid certain foods that may cause sweating (such as spicy foods), especially right before bed.
  • Maintain a regular bedtime schedule, including going to bed at the same time every night.
  • Exercise regularly but not right before sleep.
  • Avoid excessive caffeine.
  • Avoid naps during the day, which can prevent you from sleeping well at night.
  • Talk to your doctor about prescription medications that can help you sleep.