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歌手:鄧麗君 作詞:李達濤 作曲:李達濤

我是星你是雲 總是兩離分
I am a star and you are a cloud, separate always.
希望你告訴我 初戀的情人
Hope you can tell me, first lover.
你我各分東西 這是誰的責任
You and me being apart from each other, whose responsibility is this?
我對你永難忘 我對你情意真 直到海枯石爛 難忘的初戀情人
I never forget you; I love you true, till the sea dries, the rock decays, unforgettable first lover,
為什麼不見你 再來我家門 盼望你告訴我 初戀的情人
Why is it that I don't see you come to my home again? Hope you can tell me, first lover.
我要向你傾訴 心中無限苦悶
I have to disclose to you, about the extreme bitter boredom in my heart.
只要你心不變 我依舊情意真 直到海枯石爛
As long as your heart does not change, my affection will remain true, till the sea dries, the rock decays
難忘的初戀情人 是愛情不夠深 還是沒緣份盼望你告訴我 初戀的情人
Unforgettable first lover, is it because love is not deep enough, or we are not destined to be together? Hope you can tell me, first lover.
我要向你傾訴 心中無限苦悶
I have to disclose to you, about the extreme bitter boredom in my heart.
只要你心不變 我依舊情意真直到海枯石爛 難忘的初戀情人
As long as your heart does not change, my affection will remain true, till the sea dries, the rock decays, unforgettable first lover.